Neuer Eintrag
Hanna schrieb um 14:20 am Freitag, 17. Juni 2005:
Nee, ich bin zu weiss zum rappen. :o)
Aber vielleicht ueberleg ich's mir nochmal nachdem ich in der deutschen Sommersonne braun geworden bin. Koennte dir auch gut tun.
Fler schrieb um 10:49 am Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2005:
Haettze halt Rapper werden sollen so wie ich!
Hanna schrieb um 19:01 am Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2005:
Ooh, speaking of bdays, I believe it was cute Thomas' bday at the start of this month. So big kisses to him!!!
I'm on page 46. And lots left. And deadline on Monday. Has to be bound. Shit the bed!
clarissa schrieb um 13:11 am Dienstag, 14. Juni 2005:
there's absolutely nothing wrong with being 24. but the fact that i'll be 25 (and thus heading towards 30 at a high speed) in about 8 months, now that scares me. i get a slight sinking feeling (the 'old' feeling) when i end up saying something along the lines of 'when i was your age..../when i was 21.....'. makes me cringe!
had my exam this morning, went well, feeling a bit light headed and excited that there are no more exams for the moment.
hope everyone else is doing well, too!!
btw, if i've missed any birthdays, i'm sorry and belated happy birthdays!
bye for now.......
James schrieb um 11:40 am Dienstag, 14. Juni 2005:
- Webseite:
Hehe! Yup, we're all old geezers now. Hell, I'm gonna be 24 later this year! Eeek!
Good luck with your work btw!
Hanna schrieb um 14:51 am Montag, 13. Juni 2005:
Urgh, that makes me feel old.
clarissa schrieb um 10:56 am Montag, 13. Juni 2005:
good luck hanna! and lots of success with the rest of your magister arbeit!! have my last exam tomorrow, then still need to do 3 weeks of research on my research project.... funfunfun..... and then off to spain on 2/7/05 for 5 blissful sunfilled weeks!! aah... can't wait!!!
hope everyone else has something good planned for the summer!!! and do you realise next may we'll be halfway there to our 10 year re-union. wow! 10 years seems a lot shorter now than it did when we finished. time just seems to be flying by!
big hugs'n'kisses to you all!!
Deniz schrieb um 14:19 am Samstag, 11. Juni 2005:
Go go, Hanna! Good luck!
Hanna schrieb um 19:48 am Freitag, 10. Juni 2005:
33 pages down, at least 17 more to go...yay!
Ich bin (eigentlich) fertig mit der MagArb!!!!!!!!!
Es fehlt nur noch die Schlussbemerkung (und Korrektur und Abkuerzungsverzeichnis und Titelblatt), aber der ganze Stoff befindet sich auf ca 60 schoenen Seiten. Aaaaaahhhh!!!
I am so close to being a MASTER of laws. How cool!!!!!
Wer will eine Kopie kaufen? :o)