clarissa schrieb um 10:56 am Montag, 13. Juni 2005:
good luck hanna! and lots of success with the rest of your magister arbeit!! have my last exam tomorrow, then still need to do 3 weeks of research on my research project.... funfunfun..... and then off to spain on 2/7/05 for 5 blissful sunfilled weeks!! aah... can't wait!!!
hope everyone else has something good planned for the summer!!! and do you realise next may we'll be halfway there to our 10 year re-union. wow! 10 years seems a lot shorter now than it did when we finished. time just seems to be flying by!
good luck hanna! and lots of success with the rest of your magister arbeit!! have my last exam tomorrow, then still need to do 3 weeks of research on my research project.... funfunfun..... and then off to spain on 2/7/05 for 5 blissful sunfilled weeks!! aah... can't wait!!!
hope everyone else has something good planned for the summer!!! and do you realise next may we'll be halfway there to our 10 year re-union. wow! 10 years seems a lot shorter now than it did when we finished. time just seems to be flying by!
big hugs'n'kisses to you all!!