Neuer Eintrag
Hanna schrieb um 12:30 am Dienstag, 29. Juni 2004:
Results come out on Thursday...eeek...what will the future look like? Lawyer or lapdancer? That is the question.
nilzzzzzzzzzzz schrieb um 9:48 am Montag, 28. Juni 2004:
it's offical... internet explorer sucks and you shouldn't be using it. Even CERT says so now. You must all obey the all mighty CERT
Moritz schrieb um 18:45 am Sonntag, 27. Juni 2004:
wollte nur sagen, dass ich noch lebe. Wenn ich demnächst mal mehr Zeit habe, werde ich nochmal hier was schreiben.
Gruß Moritz
Duncan schrieb um 1:38 am Sonntag, 27. Juni 2004:
- Email:
- [AT]
Hey all!
Hope you're all good and that your exams have gone well! Man some of us have degrees now... time does pass quickly..
Big up to the whole UCL crew, and respect to all the others who have fought and won in all those many many exams! Let the good times roll!!
Btw, have new email address now:
Clarissa schrieb um 23:01 am Samstag, 26. Juni 2004:
........ and holland goes through to the semifinals.......
James schrieb um 20:52 am Samstag, 26. Juni 2004:
Whaddafuck? Ich hab mein Sommerfest album als "oeffentlich zugaenglich" eingestellt, aber man muss sich trotzdem registrieren um die Bilder anzusehen! That sux :(
James schrieb um 20:03 am Samstag, 26. Juni 2004:
Hab n paar Fotos vom Sommerfest hochgeladen. Viel Spaß!
Kati schrieb um 15:26 am Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2004:
Hallo! AHHHH Life is sooo... beautiful without exams!!! Ramsey, warst Du schon in Wimbledon? Hab heute in der Zeitung gesehn, dass es gestern nur geregnet hat. :o(
Also James ich finde Du siehst süss aus!:o)
Hanna, ich hab noch zwei Prüfungen im September, aber wenn ich die vorbei sind- GREECE, here we come!
James schrieb um 20:22 am Freitag, 18. Juni 2004:
Ich werde hoffentlich auch zum Sommerfest kommen...
Meine Freundin hat photos von uns bei ihrem graduation ball hochgeladen - it's a very rare opertunity to see me wearing a stupid, uncomfortable suit!
Yep, Nils is right. For all those who don't speak geek here's the English translation:
The program most of you use to surf the Web: "Microsoft Internet Explorer" is not very good. It has many serious security flaws meaning that if you visit a dodgy website (or even a legitimate one which got hacked) it can install all kinds of dodgy programs on your computer (viruses, spyware etc) WITHOUT YOU REALISING.
In addition to all the security problems Internet Explorer is also a pretty out-dated browser. Newer ones have many more features that can make browsing easier, faster and more fun such as pop-up blocking (that works a *lot* better than the Google toolbar add-on for IE), tabbed browsing, mouse gestures etc....
So, do yourselves a favour and install an alternative browser. Currently I would recommend either "Firefox" ( or "Opera" ( - try them out use the one you like best!
Happy browsing! :)