Neuer Eintrag
Nja Also schrieb um 14:20 am Freitag, 20. Dezember 2002:
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- nja also
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- http://nja also
Nja Also
JA Geil schrieb um 11:33 am Freitag, 20. Dezember 2002:
- Email:
- its so bloody frrezin [AT] coventry.everywhrere.else
Tach leude isch meld mich auch ma wieda!!!
Wuensch uch allen ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes neues Jahr....meine Sis is tgrade hier in Cov und waren bis 5 weg last night.N e wayz goin back to LOndon might see a few of ya.
c ya then
Kati schrieb um 10:04 am Freitag, 20. Dezember 2002:
Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Bin in der deutschen Botschaft in Scheissbanien und schmarotze am compter rum!ich hoffe ihr erholt euch gut bei vile glühwein, viel schlafen viel sex...aha james:) und verbringt schöne weihnachten.merry christmas to you all,love
Hanna schrieb um 18:50 am Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2002:
- Email:
- h.heikkila [AT]
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James, I've heard the news. You stallion! Congratulations!! See, I told you you're a wicked bloke and that you'd find a girl who deserves you and treats you well. ;o)
I started my first day of work today and it was pretty jiggy. We're having a traditional "porridge party" tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm doing cool stuff and get to use my own ideas and initiative. I'm working at the same place I did work experience last Easter: the HQ of a chain of hotels.
Had some mulled wine again. It's a must every night. My mum and I are reading "A Christmas Carol" (the kiddies' version) together at the mo. It's really sweet.
Tomorrow, I'll hopefully finish my xmas shopping and can start making food for xmas. Yum! I'll also treat myself to some nice gear for myself. :o)
Anyhow, hope your xmas preps are going well. Enjoy the jolly season and get lucky under the mistletoe (not you James, as you've had all the luck already :o) )!! Eat loadsa ginger bread dough and get fat (the gyms do cheap discounts after xmas)! 'Tis the season to be jolly! <Falalalalala>
Loadsa love to y'all!!!
P.S. Kati, my awesome mate!! Danke für die Karte!! Love you to bits!
Deniz schrieb um 23:36 am Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2002:
Ahhhh Leute, ist das schön zu lesen, wie Ihr alle den Ferienanfang geniesst! Ich hab die letzten paar Tage echt so gut wie nichts gemacht und habe auch keine essays zu schreiben, hehe.
Ich hoffe, Ihr geniesst alle die Ferien und schreibt weiterhin viel. Ich wünsch Euch was.
Just for the record: I did not make the entries below.
By the way, I can now send picture messages. I just thought I'd share that with you, as I shall cause havoc with it throughout the festive period. Muhahaha