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Deniz schrieb um 16:18 am Montag, 28. April 2003:
Oh Oh, dumm gelaufen Nils. Mein Mitleid hast Du auch... Aber was man alles von £150 Pfund kaufen kann! 15 Saetze Gitarrenseiten, einen Soundeffects Processor.... oder einfach nur gute Schuhe.
Ramsey schrieb um 14:35 am Montag, 28. April 2003:
What a lemon.
Kati schrieb um 13:43 am Montag, 28. April 2003:
Hallo Nils!
Mein Mitleid hast du!ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
NilzZzZzZ (zzz.... really this time) schrieb um 13:09 am Montag, 28. April 2003:
- Email:
- rnilz [AT]
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Well, I did it again. Here follows another preview chapter from a book I am now writing entitled 'Nils's royal fuck-ups, Vol. 2':
Week end started nice enough. Went to hamburg on friday to visit my mum and bro, went to the best club ever, had a really good week end, got really pissed last night and ended up talking philosophy with my mum (why I thought I knew something about that, I have no idea. I guess I just start talking out of my ass as soon as a drop of booze hits my tongue). At 4am, did we go to bed? No. We watched Lord of the Rings, just to make sure I will oversleep today. Which I did. Everybody left the house between 7am and 8am, occasionally nudging me so I would wake up. My feet finally hit the deck at noon. My flight was at 11.25am. After I finished my half hour swearing rant I tried rescheduling. BA gave me the usual company-must-cover-its-ass-contractual-bullshit so I just bought a flight to stansted for 150 euros. 40 euro last minute booking fee. 15 pounds to get from middle-of-fucking-no-where-dont-know-why-they-think-they-are-in-london-stansted to home. So all in all, my little snooze set me back round abouts 150 quid.
So I'm feeling very miserable and broke. Please cheer me up!
Deniz schrieb um 11:16 am Montag, 28. April 2003:
huh? Did I just say that??
Moritz schrieb um 17:50 am Freitag, 25. April 2003:
- Email:
- moritz [AT]
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So, ich gehe jetzt grillen (weil es so warm ist).
Ramsey: Es geht mir gut, am Montag bekommst Du eine e-mail, muss am ganzen Wochenende arbeiten.....
P.S.: Ramsey, hast Du schon die Titanic?
They are not in Baghdad
Deniz schrieb um 0:31 am Freitag, 25. April 2003:
- Email:
- d.ozsen [AT]
- Webseite:
- http://ein.mensch.brennt
Es soll ja Leute geben, die bei 15 Grad sagen: Boh, ist das warm heute!
Ich kann nur sagen: London ist die beste Stadt der Welt.
Ramsey schrieb um 18:32 am Donnerstag, 24. April 2003:
- Email:
- dermensch [AT] brauchtschlaf.zzzz
- Webseite:
Hallo Moritz. Wie geht es Dir?
...einen Wecker...