clarissa schrieb um 15:25 am Sonntag, 29. Februar 2004:
hanna,is it legal for builders to work on a sunday and make a massive racket?! my neighbours have had builders in since monday. i will have a bloody nervous breakdown if this banging doesn't stop.... it's been going on all week and they start sooooo early!!! AAAARRGGHH!!!!!! isn't there something like a noise pollution act or so under environmental health law?! please help me.....
hanna,is it legal for builders to work on a sunday and make a massive racket?! my neighbours have had builders in since monday. i will have a bloody nervous breakdown if this banging doesn't stop.... it's been going on all week and they start sooooo early!!! AAAARRGGHH!!!!!! isn't there something like a noise pollution act or so under environmental health law?! please help me.....