Clarissa schrieb um 12:37 am Sonntag, 1. Juni 2003:
clarissa_vm [AT]
omigod. exams..... aaargh! 2 down, 3 to go: monday, wednesday and thursday. back to london on friday to stay with my bf for 1 week before i head off to canterbury for a month for placement (funfunfun) and then london again for 2 weeks to stay with my bf again, as he's probably moving back to germany and that doesn't really give us much time to spend together anymore. well, after that, i'm off to hot sunny marbella for 5 weeks.... ah, lovely. hope you're all well and all that jazz. good luck to everyone who still has exams! luv, Clarissa-xxx-
omigod. exams..... aaargh! 2 down, 3 to go: monday, wednesday and thursday. back to london on friday to stay with my bf for 1 week before i head off to canterbury for a month for placement (funfunfun) and then london again for 2 weeks to stay with my bf again, as he's probably moving back to germany and that doesn't really give us much time to spend together anymore. well, after that, i'm off to hot sunny marbella for 5 weeks.... ah, lovely. hope you're all well and all that jazz. good luck to everyone who still has exams! luv, Clarissa-xxx-