[Abi1 2001 - 2006 Alte Webseite]Nilz schrieb um 14:49 am Dienstag, 29. April 2003:

rnilz [AT] twiddles.com

Well, arrived home late last night. Thankfully there were cold beers in the fridge and sympathetic cats. Thank you all for your pity. Pity's good. It's underated. Seriously. I really did feel like a total idiot (still do), but as they say, the best way to teach a kid not to play with fire is to let hime get burnt.

Now, since everyone is vouching that oceana is such a good place, someones gotta initiate me.

BTW, ramsey: and £150 alarm clock? That thing might just be loud enough to get me up ;)

Hope you're all well.