immer noch ja geil schrieb um 18:11 am Donnerstag, 20. März 2003:
hey people howz life?
Voll imstress mit den esseayz coz lecturers said gotta all be in b4 easter....great 5 in 1 week.
TO Hanna:
Yeah SHAggaluf was fun and the hotel staff showers...oh well einfach nur je geil helt,ne, so ,halt.
Coventry got 2nd at the newcastle breakdancing championchips and we ruled.
willbe home nxt weekend.Def gotta hook up wiv ramzy, moritz and co and of courrrrssse who eva is around.
PS was smoking shisha the other gail!!!!
Peace !!!
Tigga (Andy)
immer noch ja geil schrieb um 18:11 am Donnerstag, 20. März 2003:
hey people howz life?
Voll imstress mit den esseayz coz lecturers said gotta all be in b4 easter....great 5 in 1 week.
TO Hanna:
Yeah SHAggaluf was fun and the hotel staff showers...oh well einfach nur je geil helt,ne, so ,halt.
Coventry got 2nd at the newcastle breakdancing championchips and we ruled.
willbe home nxt weekend.Def gotta hook up wiv ramzy, moritz and co and of courrrrssse who eva is around.
PS was smoking shisha the other gail!!!!
Peace !!!
Tigga (Andy)