Still miserable but gradually getting over it schrieb um 10:57 am Freitag, 15. November 2002:
Why am I unlucky?
Coz every girl I fancy seems to have a boyfriend or is 'not ready for a relationship' and just wants to be friends with me!
It's the story of my life!
I mean it's not that they don't like me - I've been described as too nice often enough. Maybe I should just be an asshole with an oversized ego like everyone else - I bet I'll get girls then!
Why am I unlucky?
Coz every girl I fancy seems to have a boyfriend or is 'not ready for a relationship' and just wants to be friends with me!
It's the story of my life!
I mean it's not that they don't like me - I've been described as too nice often enough. Maybe I should just be an asshole with an oversized ego like everyone else - I bet I'll get girls then!