[Abi1 2001 - 2006 Alte Webseite]clarissa schrieb um 20:42 am Freitag, 18. Februar 2005:

james: cheers for the invite(s)! received it this time!

hanna: good luck and much success with everything, exams, presentations and all!

andy: happy birthday belatedly! didn't forget, just didn't have internet during the week. 24's not old, right? admittedly there's a 24 year old guy at the hospital where i'm on placement at the moment and he's going grey already... i pray that's a long way away for any of us!

moritz: werde montag kein internet haben und ueber's wochenende weiss ich noch nicht... fuer montag alles gute zu deinem 23. geburtstag! feier schoen und geniesse den tag!