Hanna schrieb um 17:44 am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005:
Clarissa, you have asked me a question on the topic I most loathed studying. :o) As far as I know (or believe) the lease continues until the end, unless there's a clause in the contract saying you can end it at such and such notice. If it's for a limited time, then ending it shouldn't be a prob. Otherwise the lease goes to the administrator of the deceased's estate (as a trust - aaarrggghhh, trusts!) and then to whomever it's meant to go to according to the will and he/she can then dispose of it as he/she likes. If they want to end the lease the rest of the rent can prob be paid by the administrators from the estate. However professional this may sound, do not take my word for it. I'm only a law STUDENT and studied land law 2 years ago. Seek proper legal advice from someone who should know their stuff, ie. a solicitor or the local CAB.
Moving on...frohes 2005 an alle! Bin wieder in SB nach Finnland und Bodensee.
Hatte heute einen schrecklichen Tag, weil ich es geschafft habe den Hinterreifen in Alex Auto plattzumachen. Malek und ich mussten dann den halben Tag damit verbringen Reifen zu wechseln, einen neuen zu kaufen und den dann wieder mit dem Reservereifen zu wechseln. Puuhh!! Und ich wollte einen ruhigen Mittwoch. :o)
Ansonsten, grosse Kuesse an alle.
Hanna xxx
P.S. Kati und Laura, ich hab jetzt endlich die Karnevalsbilder fuer euch entwickelt und werde sie baldestens losschicken.
Clarissa, you have asked me a question on the topic I most loathed studying. :o) As far as I know (or believe) the lease continues until the end, unless there's a clause in the contract saying you can end it at such and such notice. If it's for a limited time, then ending it shouldn't be a prob. Otherwise the lease goes to the administrator of the deceased's estate (as a trust - aaarrggghhh, trusts!) and then to whomever it's meant to go to according to the will and he/she can then dispose of it as he/she likes. If they want to end the lease the rest of the rent can prob be paid by the administrators from the estate. However professional this may sound, do not take my word for it. I'm only a law STUDENT and studied land law 2 years ago. Seek proper legal advice from someone who should know their stuff, ie. a solicitor or the local CAB.
Moving on...frohes 2005 an alle! Bin wieder in SB nach Finnland und Bodensee.
Hatte heute einen schrecklichen Tag, weil ich es geschafft habe den Hinterreifen in Alex Auto plattzumachen. Malek und ich mussten dann den halben Tag damit verbringen Reifen zu wechseln, einen neuen zu kaufen und den dann wieder mit dem Reservereifen zu wechseln. Puuhh!! Und ich wollte einen ruhigen Mittwoch. :o)
Ansonsten, grosse Kuesse an alle.
Hanna xxx
P.S. Kati und Laura, ich hab jetzt endlich die Karnevalsbilder fuer euch entwickelt und werde sie baldestens losschicken.