Wow, hier ist ja was los! Kas, Du hattest ne Physikklausur? Mit Herrn Skibbe?? :p Meinen Glückwunsch! Hi Jenny, haven´t seen you in aaages! Hope you´re well!
James n´ Nils, sorry, once again, for the downtime on Event-Horizon. My ISP is having regional issues with their digital services (in New Malden! grr). Right now, it seems to work again. Fingers crossed...
Wow, hier ist ja was los! Kas, Du hattest ne Physikklausur? Mit Herrn Skibbe?? :p Meinen Glückwunsch! Hi Jenny, haven´t seen you in aaages! Hope you´re well!
James n´ Nils, sorry, once again, for the downtime on Event-Horizon. My ISP is having regional issues with their digital services (in New Malden! grr). Right now, it seems to work again. Fingers crossed...