I'm lovin' it down here at IBM! Don't wear a suit, don't use Windows, got a cafe just above my office and finish at half 3 on a Friday - it's the perfect job for me! :)
Went out on a drinking binge in Southampton with a guy I work with last night! Got some funny videos on my phone from that! Hehehe!
Deniz: Congrats on Symbian job!!! Can u plz bug them to make a native Linux (and possibly MacOS X) dev-kit? AFAIK you need to rely on some dodgy wine-hack to debug Symbian apps on a Linux box :(
I'm lovin' it down here at IBM! Don't wear a suit, don't use Windows, got a cafe just above my office and finish at half 3 on a Friday - it's the perfect job for me! :)
Went out on a drinking binge in Southampton with a guy I work with last night! Got some funny videos on my phone from that! Hehehe!
Deniz: Congrats on Symbian job!!! Can u plz bug them to make a native Linux (and possibly MacOS X) dev-kit? AFAIK you need to rely on some dodgy wine-hack to debug Symbian apps on a Linux box :(